Industrialist Ratan Tata on Tuesday, 16 August, announced an investment in a startup called 'Goodfellows' that pairs senior citizens with young graduates in the form of "meaningful relationships." However, the amount of the investment has not been disclosed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last year in 2020, Simi had shared a throwback picture of Ratan Tata on her Twitter handle. In her tweet, Simi had written, "This is exactly how @RNTata2000 was like when we first met." Well, it is nice to know that Simi always knew what she wanted in her life! Share this story Why do men tend to date younger women? | The Times of India › ... › Relationships 20-May-2022 — Older men prefer to be with younger women because the latter has a fresh, unique and more carefree attitude towards life that can make men feel ... SIMILAR AND RELAT...