An Introduction To Bhandari Community in South Konkan and Goa
Bhandari Community is one of the biggest communities in the Konkan region of Maharashtra. The community is more synonymous with toddy tappers however horticulture, agriculture, shipping, and arts defense services are some areas where the contribution of the community can seldom be overlooked.
History: It is believed that the name 'Bhandari' is derived from the original name 'Banda-hari' given to the community by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj himself being greatly pleased by the work of the community in putting to rest internal rebellions of the Maratha Sardars unhappy about loss of their provinces (banda means rebellion and hari means the defeaters). The community deserves a lions share in laying foundation stones of the Hindavi swaraj. The most important part came later when Chatrapati Shivaji entrusted the building of Maratha Navy to the community under the able leadership of Admiral Kanhoji Angre from the same community. With the powerful navy restricting the movements of Europeans on the west coast and most of the sea forts including Murud Janjira and entire Alibaug under their control in post Shivaji period the community won many sea battles putting the Portuguese and British to shame. However the history of Bhandaris dates back to the period of Emperor Chandragupta Maurya who after establishing his empire, dispatched a community of warriors to west coast to control the flourishing sea trade especially to take control of a very big sea port then and now a remote suburb of Mumbai-Nala Sopara. Thereafter the community settled along the west coast and has been associated with shipping activities( but never fishing ), toddy tapping and defense services alike. It should therefore not be least surprising that Bhandari community is considered to be one of the earliest settlers of Mumbai.
Settlements: The Bhandari community belongs to Konkan region of Maharashtra and Goa. The main population of the community is found along the coastal belts of Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg districts of Maharashtra and through out Goa. Besides a sizeable population of the community is found in Kolhapur, Ahemdabad, Dharwar, Karwar and Hubli. In Karnataka the community is known by a different name -'Poojary'. In pre- partition era the community being sea-faring and mainly into shipping business had also settled in Karachi. It was around the partition period that the community had to abandon their properties and businesses and migrate to Ahemdabad where they were forced to live in refugee camps. The fate of those settled in Mumbai during that period was not much different many had to flee their homes and properties in south Mumbai which were forcibly occupied by Muslim rioters and remain so till this date. Some traders and artists settled in Kolhapur, a princely state then, and an important centre for trade and commerce and a patron of arts as well which explains the large population of community in Kolhapur even today. Some traders from the community migrated to Hubli, Dharwar, Karwar and reached as far as Cochin and Calicut for trade. Small to very small population of the community may also be found in Pune and Indore.
Professions: Traditionally the Bhandari community is a community of warriors hailing from North India. Although the community at present is more of employed class they are best suited to serve the armed forces and in other similar fields like Police forces. Infact some of the finest officers in the Mumbai Police Force have come from the Bhandari Community. After the community settled along the west coast during the Maurya era the community remained a warring community till the end of the Maratha Empire in the 19th century. Besides this the community took to horticulture, agriculture, toddy tapping, and shipping which became their chief occupations. Rice was the chief crop of those involved agriculture while coconut, betel nut, mangoes, cashew nut and spices were chief products of horticulturists. The people involved horticulture and agriculture came to be known as Hetkari Bhandaris (probably the word 'hetkari' was derived from word 'shetkari ' meaning farmer in Marathi) and are found mainly in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra and in Goa. Those involved in toddy tapping came to be known as 'Kitte Bhandari's and are mainly found in Ratnagiri, Raigad and Thane districts. During the British era the community rendered meritorious services in armed forces during First World War for which the British recognized them by building monuments to honor those who died in the great war far away from their motherland. Majority of the police force services especially Mumbai Police Force services was occupied by the Bhandari community and the meritorious services were duly rewarded by British nad thereafter by the Indian Government and the stalwarts who offered such services are even today thought to be synonymous with discipline dedication and perseverance. The other important business that the community was famous for was shipping. With their ships plying between Mumbai Harbor, Calicut, Cochin, Panaji, Karwar, Mangalore and Karachi the community controlled moast of the trade and allied businesses like Customs Housing and Clearance till very lately. However, presently like other Maharashtrian communities the Bhandari community has become more of an employed class. It may be surprising but its true that this warring community famous for being ruthless when it comes to warfare has produced some of the finest artists of the country. Bhandari artists have rendered exceptional services in field of arts be it literature, music or cinema. One should not be surprised to find them in camps of film makers like Raj Kapoor and V.Shantaram as set designers and make up artists. In fact the community has produced some of the finest directors like N.Chandra (Chandrakant Narvekar) and Mahesh Manjrekar, veteran music directors like Snehal Bhatkar, Hindustani classical singers like Babanrao Haldankar, numero uno rangoli artists like Gunvant Manjrekar to play back singers like Aparna Mayekar  to innumerable instrumentalists and vocalists. However where art is concerned especially in cinema and theatre the community's forte is set designing and art direction. Even today, the members of this community who are self employed or entrepreneurs are related to arts with the new generations exploring newer avenues in field of arts like graphics, fashion designing, interior designing and architecture. The community has also its share of doctors, engineers, chartered accountants and other professionals that include reputed dentists like Dr. Sandesh Mayekar.
Cricket: I must first apologies that I haven't spoken about cricket while talking about the Bhandari community which is closely identified with the game. Therefore I have chosen to write a separate paragraph to illustrate the close links between the game and the community. The community has gifted some of the finest cricketers to Indian Cricket. Stalwarts like Vijay Manjrekar, spinners like Padmakar Shivalkar, batsmen like Pravin Amre, Vinod Kambli and cricketers turned commentators like Sanjay Manjrekar are a gift of the community to Indian Cricket. Go to Shivaji Park today and you will find – except one or two - all the nets belong to the Bhandari community members - Moorkars, Parkars, Javkars, Shivalkars to the King Maker Dronacharya Acharekar the man whom Sachin Tendulkar owes cricketing skills to belongs to this community.
Surnames: The includes surnames like Ambolkar, Acharekar, Arolkar, Amre, Bhatkar, Borkar, Borle, Bole, Bowlekar, Bhute, Bagayatkar, Bandiwadekar, Cheulkar, Chipkar, Doodhwadkar, Govekar, Haldankar, Hadkar, Javkar, Kocharekar, Kambli, Kargutkar, Keer, Khot, Kini, Malvankar, Moorkar, Manjarekar, Madye, Mayekar, Melekar, Narvekar, Nagvekar, Parkar, Parulekar, Padwal, Pawaskar, Patkar, Pednekar, Raut, Revankar, Shirodkar, Salgaonkar, Sarmalkar, Shirsekar, Salkar, Subhedar, Shetye, Sarang, Shetge/Shedge, Tembkar, Tembulkar, Tulaskar, Varshi, Velankar, Vengurlekar.
Bhandaries in South Konkan and Goa (Hetkari and Kitte Bhandari)
In Ratnagiri district and Sindhurdurg District, Hetkari and Kitte are sub caste of Bhandari. In Goa both caste have their dominance.
Warriors from 500 BC(i.e.2500 year before present) onward
Bhandaries are naval warrior from Gautam Buddha to Morya, Chalukya, Satwahana, Kadambas to Peshwas they were expert naval wars. Also Hetkari peoples were foot army of above kingdom.
Kadamba Kingdom
In bhandaries of Kadambas Kul call Goa is their birthplace. In Kadamba Kingdom, most of Bhandaries came from Sawantwadi and Goa as per their surnames. Kitte and Hetkari are more related with Kadamba of Goa.
Sharihar Kingdom
After Kadamba, Sharihar rule were dominated by Hetkari, Kitte and Sheshwanshy Bhandaries.

Shivaji and Peshwa Regime
Hetkari Bhandaries were more famous in Shivaji regime and also in Peshwa rule.
The Hetkari Bhandari are settled in Sindhurdurg District, Maharashtra and Goa. The exact location of settlement is still unknown to me. Hetkari Bhandaries in Ratnagiri and Taluka Sawantwadi are more farmer.
The main profession of people is farming. The other subsidiary profession are collecting mango, Kaju, Fanas, etc from their owned place. Some peoples are also running hotels, etc.
The main religion is Hinduism. This people are devotes of Lord Shiva. Some people s are converted to Islam Keep their surnames first and name afterward. e.g. Hindu name : Prakash Naik Islam Name: Naik Ahmad. The surnames found in Islam are Naik, Sarang, Kaskar, etc. In Goa, some people are converted to Christianity follow Christian Names & Surname.
This peoples speaks Malvani Language in Sindhurdurg District which is a dialect of Konkani language. In Goa, peoples speaks Konkani Language. In north Karnataka peoples speak Karwar Konkani which is slightly different from original Konkani. Konkani is an Indo-European Language came in second migration of Indo-Aryan migration to India from Caucasus mountain
Meaning of Hetkari
Most of the peoples have farming as main profession, so they are called Hetkari such understanding is their in people, But it is wrong. Hetkari word never came on Shetkari " Shette" is also called as "Khethe" and not " Heta" , "Hetta" means south direction. In Parkrit Hetta and in Gujrat it is south direction in Marathi it is "Heta". In Konkan, region in south of Savitri river is called as "Heta Pranth". From this peoples staying in this region is called "Hetkari". In Heta Pranth Goa is also included.
It is possible that Hetkari is more older than Bhandari word as in Sanskrit " Hetta" is mentioned.
Previously called Kunbi Bhandari
As per old peoples, they told me that previously Bhandaries work in Brahmins owned forms so they were called themselves Kunbi Bhandari. Afterward they changed themselves to Hetkari Bhandari. Kunbi means peoples employed in farmed owned by Landowner or Brahmins.
Kitte Bhandaries call themselves superior. Kitte Bhandaries are spread on coastline from Goa to Bankho.
Last Updated on : December 08, 2009
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