Music composer Shankar along with singers Suman Kalyanpur, Geeta Dutt and Mohd. Rafi during the song rehearsal

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Seen in the picture below are (L-R): Vitthalbhai Patel, Arvind Kumar, editor of the popular magazine Madhuri and Shankar.
Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, textबोल मेरी तकदीर में क्या है, मेरे हमसफ़र अब तो बता
जीवन के दो पहलू हैं, हरियाली और रास्ता
कहाँ है मेरे प्यार की मंज़िल, तू बतला तुझको है पता
जीवन के दो पहलू हैं, हरियाली और रास्ता
... See more
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Golden Era Of The Goldhearted Humble souls of Great Music Directors in Indian Cinema There was understanding cooperation respect consideration among MDs Some singers carried a mean bitter selfish jealousy for newcomers When Shankarji promoted Shardaji for her unique voice Lataji threw temper tantrums by declining further cooperation As the holy month of Ramadan comes to end I recollected old inci... See more

Raj kapoor with Jaikishan-Naushad
and C.Ramachandra

Hemanth kumar-Madan Mohan and others

Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people sitting

jaikishan (l) C.Ramachandra (miiddle)Madan Mohan(R)Naushad(with cigarette)Hemanth kumar and Roshan at the back


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